Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Today... something great happened in our home. The boys learned from their dad to clean the toilets. And, they were happy to do it. My sister-in -law Jill posted on her blog, her boys cleaning. So thank you Jill for giving us the idea. Do you see the joy in his face???
This is so dang gross and I'm so happy I don't have to do it. Dusty will have to do some touch-ups per my request.

I know this isn't that great to put on a blog but for mothers out there... you can understand the joy that can come from this. Now... what to teach them next? Maybe to tie their shoes.


Nanna said...

Please train my boys too!! That is probably the most hated chore I have to do around the house. Don't mind cooking, laundry etc, but toilet cleaning is so nasty!!!! Someone please do it for me...

Jill Wright said...

Nice job Dust. You've come a long way--and I'm sure it's thanks to Salisbury.