Sunday, April 19, 2009

Miss Nelson

This is our pet Miss Nelson is you didn't already know. She is growing up so I wanted to show the 2 people who look at my blog. She climbs in and out of her cage during the day but she favors the window ceil mostly. She love the light that shines through.
Sometimes she plays with the toys when the kids are at school.

And she eats so much and yes... that's her tongue. She hates strangers!!!

Aunt Alicia is really into face painting now, and Ty loves for her to paint his face. Devin and her friend Sidney got into the action too.

It took for ever for the paint to come off but... in the name of fun, O'well. Kids don't have a good childhood unless they get dirty. Right???

Pictures of Jace!!!

Here we have Jace looking like a deer in headlights. He has his date shirt on too. Isn't he sweet! Jace LOVES his bath time just like his momma.
And here we have Jace enjoying life. To be that care free....

And every once and a while... his angry baby face.

And here is Jace when he just can't take it any longer. This is the only way he likes to sleep. Just before he falls asleep... he likes his bum bum patted.

I can't believe how busy this little guy makes me. I love it but wish for more sleep. He is already geeting so big now that he is about 8 weeks.