Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Christmas was so much fun!!! We had a much smaller Christmas but I think we had the most fun this year. We did get that rock band or something like it and Christmas evening my parent and sister came over, so we made them play. It was the funnest thing ever!!!Trent go a skate board that Dusty found very helpful when taking all the toys and things to different rooms in the house. I don't care how it gets done as long as I don't have to do it.

And the only thing I wanted for Christmas was a picture of the kids in front of the tree and they couldn't do it without being silly.

We had so much fun together and I'm so greatful for my kids and for Dusty who
helps me with everything!

Roller Skating!!!

At Skateland they had a $1 day and that called our name. Thanks goodness I didn't have to skate due to the state I'm in and last time I skated, I almost broke my tailbone. Dusty didn't get a break at all!!! The kids wanted him to skate only with them and he did his best. Thay had a blast and Ty turned out to be a great skater.
I made Devin and Trent stand by each other for this picture... can you tell?

Next time we go... we are gonna call everyone to go with us! So be ready!

Devin the cook!!!

Devin made her first dinner for us and it was great!!! She can make dinner all that she wants. We were very proud of her and the boys thought is was pretty cool. She is getting so big.

Christmas is here???

I can't believe x-mas has come and gone. This is of the kids getting the tree ready and Dusty way of getting the star to the top of the tree.

Trent really got in the mood as he always does.

Girl Time!!!

Griggs Girl Time

My sister Andrea and her cute family came down for Thanksgiving and the girls got out of the house for some girl time. What else but to try on dresses for high school dances. Emily and Izzy tried on the dresses and the rest of us were living through them. They were so dang cute and we had a blast. The little girls tired on veils and were crazy.

A date with Dad

Dusty took Devin on a date to the Suns game and they had a blast! I guess basketball isn't just for boys.